Bridge Cables 17-4: FCC Coalition Comments, Innovation in Transportation & Getting to the Near Future

Lately, Madery Bridge writing has appeared in other places. Take a look!:

Ad Hoc FCC coalition – filing of comments
“We, the undersigned organizations, represent millions of Americans concerned about the overreach of the Federal government. We write to voice our support for returning the Internet to the light touch regulatory approach that allowed the Internet to take off. There was a bipartisan ‘Hands off the Net!’ consensus championed by both former President Bill Clinton and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and by other leading members of both parties – until the FCC made two sweeping claims of power over the Internet in the name of protecting ‘net neutrality'”
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“Considering an Innovative Change in Transportation Infrastructure”
“We live in an age of unparalleled innovation, with innovation affecting all we do and how we do it. But at the forefront of innovation news, and capturing the imagination of the public, is innovation in transportation. From changes in business and industry processes like Uber, to changes in hardware for partial to fully automated vehicles, the world of the automobile is in rapid transition. However, exciting innovation in transportation is not limited to automobiles…”
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“Getting to the Near Future, and Beyond”
“The promise of the world of tomorrow is just an empty promise long held out as being made good. But now we really do stand on the precipice of the future. We can peer into the near future with clarity, optimism and certainty. Everything we know today will change, be reimagined and be used in new ways with greater access. From work to play, powerful networks and new tech applications will be the foundation for the next generation of services. How so? Take a look…”
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