Bridge Span 14-16: “Where to Watch” Piracy Decrease

The Internet ecosystem just added a new tool to preserve the property of rights holders even while encouraging greater use of broadband. The Motion Picture Association has announced the launch of a new search engine called

As Variety has reported, “MPAA — upping efforts to help consumers find legal sources of content instead of pirating it — has rolled out, an advertising-free entertainment search engine designed to point people to TV shows and movies from authorized sources. includes info and links from providers including Netflix, Apple’s iTunes, and Hulu as well as smaller sites like SnagFilms and WolfeOnDemand. MPAA said it expects to expand its list of partners in the coming months.”

Great, but what does this have to do with public policy? Rather than relying on another years-long legislative battle, which may fail to reach any sort of resolution, the industry got to work creating a solution to help protect its property. This sort of industry self-help should be lauded and encouraged across the digital ecosystem.

More success will come as all parties understand that they must do their part and that an economically thriving digital ecosystem requires good faith cooperation, within the bounds of the law, with an eye towards what is best for the broader ecosystem. Less infringement combined with great legal choices available in many places for consumers is in the best interest of all.

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