Innovation Economy Institute: Will 5G Get 6GHz?

Will 5G Get 6GHz?

Last year was a great year for consumers, business and the FCC as much needed licensed spectrum was auctioned or put in the spectrum pipeline, and critical decisions were made by the FCC related to opening up C-band and 5.9 GHz slices of spectrum for new uses. Those spectrum decisions in […]

Bridge Span 19-2: Severe Storm Warning for 5G, Inaccuracies Flood Watch

Government often seems quite adept at solving yesterday’s problems, building or protecting systems that are irrelevant today. Sometimes, to protect these inventions of yesteryear, government can hoard our spectrum resources, the building block for communications. Rather than abandon projects where spectrum is lying fallow or pursuing means to share the spectrum in such a way […]

Bridge Span 18-11: FCC, Please Speed the Deployment of Broadband

FCC, Please Speed the Deployment of Broadband

Yesterday the FCC held an open commission meeting. There are a number of items on the agenda, two items in particular focused on advancing broadband deployment across the country. One item to be considered is to clarify the scope and meaning of the 1996 Communications Act in reference […]