Bridge Span 18-3: Who Should Be Driving Our Innovation Future?

For twenty years, the federal government has been devising a plan for talking cars, promising a reduction in injuries and deaths. For twenty years, the government jealously guarded a block of spectrum to use as it pursued its ill-advised industrial policy designed to compete with private industry. For twenty years, nothing happened. But life outside […]

Bridge Span 18-2: SESTA Senselessness

Yesterday the Senate voted to approve legislation that will likely become a marker of a turning point for the internet ecosystem. The legislation, now on its way to the President’s desk, is known as SESTA (Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017) and allows for politicians to claim that they somehow helped stop sex trafficking […]

Bridge Cables 17-4: FCC Coalition Comments, Innovation in Transportation & Getting to the Near Future

Lately, Madery Bridge writing has appeared in other places. Take a look!:

Ad Hoc FCC coalition – filing of comments “We, the undersigned organizations, represent millions of Americans concerned about the overreach of the Federal government. We write to voice our support for returning the Internet to the light touch regulatory approach that allowed the […]